Michael Crismali

Sr Software Consultant
Michael started his career in software engineering as a student at The Starter League, a programming and design school in Chicago. He wanted to build useful things, and was drawn to programming as a way to do just that. Before entering The Starter League he received a degree in Behavior and Humor from University of Redlands. Michael joined DevMynd as our second apprentice. He quickly progressed in his learning and is now a full consultant with the company. After his apprenticeship he dove right into a complex GIS, mapping, and data intensive project with 640 Labs, one of our startup clients. He also had a chance to save the day while working with MLB Advanced Media as part of a small team that helped enable the scalable ticket sales system for Wrestlemania 2014. When not programming Michael is the pun-master at the office and is one of the quickest wordsmiths we've ever met. He is a frequent contributor to open source projects and has core commits on the Ember.js framework and as released several libraries of his own.