2035 W Wabansia Ave
Chicago, IL 60647
Source control is an essential skill for any software developer to manage their code base, keep track of changes, and coordinate major revisions with other team members. Git is the fastest growing open source version control system today. It’s useful if you are working on a large distributed team, or working on personal projects.
In this workshop, you’ll learn about how to set up your own Git repository, how to push, pull, fork, merge, branch and more! Also, you’ll set up a GitHub account to easily showcase your projects and learn from others in the open source community. Software is social!
This course requires you to install Git onto your computer and sign up for a Github account prior to attending. Instructions for installing Git are available online here (https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git). Sign up for an account on Github here (https://github.com/).
If you require assistance with installation, please attend a (free!) Code & Coffee hosted by GDI to get help. You are also welcome to post questions on this event page.
There is no time allocated during class to troubleshoot install problems. Installation must be completed prior to attending class.
Tech requirements:
• Your laptop (Mac, PC, or Linux are all okay).
• A modern web browser – either Chrome or Firefox
• A text editor. We recommend Sublime Text, Atom or VSCode
While this class covers advanced source control topics, it is suitable for beginners with no experience with Git or Github.
Mica Alaniz is a Chicagoan, first and foremost, born and raised. After graduating with a Masters in New Media Studies from DePaul, she went from strategy, to design, to app development and spent a year as the Technical Director for Ameya Pawar for Governor. She is now a Full Stack Engineer at the DNC, where she builds tools to support all Democratic candidates, grassroots organizing and voter empowerment.
She is also an Illinois Deputy Voter Registrar, TAs classes for Girl Develop It Chicago and Techgirlz, mentors at Write/Speak/Code, is a Code2040 panelist, volunteers for the Chicago Architecture Foundation, maintains isthereacubsgametoday.com, listens to entirely too many podcasts, and is always trying to locate the nearest elote cart. She has this thing with coffee where she needs it to live.
DevMynd is a digital product consultancy in Chicago and San Francisco. They create custom software for innovation and growth. From groundbreaking start ups to some of the world’s foremost brands, they are proud of the collaborative work they’ve done with their clients.
Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships are available for those with a financial hardship. Apply via our scholarship form (http://bit.ly/gdi-chi-scholarship). Do not RSVP for the event. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is Friday, August 17. Scholarship applicants will be notified shortly after the deadline.
Teaching Assistants: If you are interested in being a teaching assistant for this or future workshops, please visit our volunteer page (http://gdichicago.com/volunteer/).
No shows: Your course fee will be donated to the chapter scholarship fund.
Cancellation Policy: Class is subject to cancellation if there are fewer than 5 registrations 1 week in advance.
Refund Policy: Girl Develop It is unable to offer refunds for cancelled registrations or no-shows.
No Drop-Ins: We have a 100% no drop-ins policy. Students that have not registered on Meetup before the class will not be allowed in the class.
Age Limit: Our program and curriculum are geared towards adults 18 and over. At this time, we do not accept minors as students.
Code of Conduct: Girl Develop It’s mission is focused on providing opportunities for women to learn web and software development, but our classes and events are open to all genders and identities. Every attendee is expected to uphold our Code of Conduct (http://www.girldevelopit.com/codeofconduct).