DevTogether Chi: Mentor Code Review & Pairing

July 10, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
2035 W Wabansia Ave
Chicago, IL 60647

This event is for ** Mentors **

Please register only if you are available to be in-person at the event. Register using this form: (we’re trying to make event registration easier)

Event agenda
– 6:00pm Announcements and micro talk
– 6:15pm Split into pairs
– 6:20pm-7:25pm Pairing session
– (Suggested) 6:20pm Mentors and Mentees review code review feedback
– (Suggested) 6:40pm Mentors and Mentees pair program and start working through suggestions from the code review feedback
– 7:25pm Final announcements

You will be matched with a Mentee and provided with a link to code to review and a description of what specific topics or areas in the code they are looking for guidance on at least 1 week prior to the event.

Please complete your code review with comments prior to the event and come prepared to talk through your suggestions with your Mentee. After reviewing your feedback, you will have time to pair program with your Mentee to start working through your suggestions.

As always, all attendees are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct (

* Please note that we will make every effort to match all registered Mentors, but if there are no Mentees available in the language or framework you submitted, then we may not be able to accommodate you this time

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Kelsey is the Marketing Coordinator at DevMynd. She has been with the company since 2016.