Dev Life

It’s a Series of Tools

I had the opportunity to attend RubyConf a few weeks back and I ended up having a number of conversations around the tools we use at DevMynd. So, I thought I'd share a little about how the sausage is made 😉 This isn't an exhaustive list by any means but here we go:

The Best Emacs Icon on the Internet

The entire spectrum of text editors is represented here at DevMynd. Among them is Emacs. Emacs is a great editor, but one thing I couldn't stand is its hideous icon. I searched far and wide and couldn't find one to my liking so I created my own. It's clearly, hands-down the best Emacs icon you're likely to find on the entire internet.

The Technical Co-Founder vs. The Outside Team

As part of my sales duties at DevMynd I attend a
lot of events focused on startups. At least two or three times at each
of these I meet someone who is "looking for a technical co-founder".
Much of the wisdom disseminated by the startup gurus will tell you that
as a non-technical founder you need someone technical on your team –
mostly they're right. But, deciding on the ideal time to bring on a
technical owner is more subtle.

On Programmers as Ditch Diggers

I came across an interesting image on twitter. I shall not fault the poster, nor the re-tweeter, nor the creator of the original image. But I struggle with leaving my thoughts on the topic unspoken.

Your Job Posting Sucks

The other day I received an email from a recruiter asking me if I was interested in a job. This is not out of the ordinary, I get a lot of these emails. It got me thinking about how many companies approach hiring developers and the stark contrast to our methods at DevMynd. Not that we have it all figured out, but in our short lifespan we’ve been quite successful in building a talented team.

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